Frequently Asked Questions


What’s a doula anyway?

A birth doula is a professional support person who accompanies people in labor to help ensure a safe and satisfying birth experience. Doulas draw on their professional training and experience to provide emotional support, and physical comfort. Doulas can provide reassurance and perspective, make suggestions for labor progress, and help with relaxation, massage, positioning, and other techniques for comfort.

A postpartum doula is a professional support person trained in the needs of the family in the days, weeks and months after birth or the addition of a new baby. The doula offers non-judgmental support, guidance, evidence-based education and practical hands-on support immediately after birth through the first year.

Doulas are independently contracted and self-employed. Your doula will be working for you, not your caregiver or hospital.


Why should i hire a doula?

No matter your birth preferences or experience, you can see the benefits of the continuous care of a doula.  Doula care is both risk free and highly effective in creating a positive birth experience.

  Evidence shows doula support decreases risk of unplanned cesearean delivery, the use of medication for pain relief, and lower 5 minute APGAR scores for baby.  On the flip side, there's evidence that having a doula will increase  your chance of spontaneous vaginal birth and increases the satisfaction with your birth experience (with support showing an average shorter labor time than a person without continuous support). 


Why should i hire you as my doula?

I am in awe of the "magic" of childbirth; as a physiological process; as an intimate, sacred transition into parenthood; and as a cultural event that can shape or create your community. I strongly believe that you're capable of and have the right to have the birth and postpartum you want. I would be so incredibly honored if I could become part of that journey with you. I am warm, kind, patient, and compassionate. I believe in the strength of opening up and holding space for the people that need me. I believe in following my intuition on offering ways I can support you in your labor, but more importantly I believe in YOUR intuition and choices. You've 100% got this, I'll just make it a little more comfortable for you :)

The postpartum period is so raw and open and vulnerable for new parents, be it your first child or your fifth. I love being able to come into a home and make this time a little easier. I wholeheartedly believe in the new family’s abilities, what I hope to do is give them more confidence in them. I’m caring, nurturing, thoughtful, and nonjudgmental. I aim to bring so much unconditional love into your home.

By the time we finish our time together, I want to be considered part of the family. These are huge life events that you’d give me the honor of attending, I’d hope I would be welcome back for some others!